
More Than Just Chicken Soup: Natural Remedies for Colds & Flu

More Than Just Chicken Soup: Natural Remedies for Colds & Flu

Just about everybody’s grandmother had the same basic prescription for treating a cold or the flu: drink plenty of fluids (staying hydrated is even more important during pregnancy, btw), get plenty of rest, sip some homemade broth or chicken soup, and up your intake of vitamin C to give the immune system a much-needed boost.

While those are all great- and important- first steps, that advice is also a little, well, basic. Knock out a cold or flu quickly with the following turbo charged remedies.


Treat Yourself!

Treat Yourself!

As soon as you announce that you're expecting; well-meaning friends, family members- even total strangers- are going to tell you the same thing again and again and again: "Enjoy [fill in the blank] while you can. Life as you know it will be over the instant you have that baby". Most roll their eyes, because surely everyone is exaggerating. Would my world really change all that drastically overnight? I mean, all newborns really do is eat, sleep, and poop, right?

Well, all of those well meaning friends, family members, and strangers... are totally right. Motherhood is often described as the best thing a woman has ever done. It takes a lot out of you, but it gives back more than you could've dreamed. 

Still, it's normal to grieve the loss of your child-free life, especially if you weren't prepared for how all-encompassing the change would be. That's why I'm giving you full permission to indulge in some much needed- and well deserved- TLC. The more we can appreciate these moments now, the more we can embrace the new and exciting life that awaits. Here are all of the things I've been told most women wish they'd done more of before baby:


Battling Prenatal Insomnia?

 Battling Prenatal Insomnia?

So you've got your pillows and you're doing your best to get comfy on your left side, but every time you lie down it feels like there's a German shepherd sitting on your tummy. Better sleep, however, starts long before it's time to turn off the lights. If you're having trouble getting enough Zs, make sure to do the following: